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Tag Archives | cloud

What the cloud can do for your business

Cloud computing services are right at the cutting edge of digital technology, allowing organizations large and small to streamline their operations and improve efficiency. These services, also known as ‘the cloud’, have since their inception been at the forefront of the digital revolution, with each iteration bringing an ever-expanding range of products and services. The […]

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Are you making the most of the cloud?

Many businesses have leapt headfirst into cloud technology, only to abandon it later when it failed to live up to the hype. Despite this, technology research firm Gartner predicts that cloud adoption will grow 18 percent in 2017, driven by its promise to deliver agility, growth and cost savings. So what are the most common […]

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The IoT and data centers: A match made in heaven

With estimates as hyped up as 50 billion devices expected to be connected by 2020, the internet of things (IoT) will be the most significant change to the way data is managed in a generation. And that has enterprise data centre operators going back to the drawing board. Data direction The surge in the range of […]

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Cloud services for business

Choosing the right cloud service has become a major dilemma for the modern small business. At the forefront of cloud technology, Amazon, Google and Microsoft are aggressively competing against each other for a bigger slice of the market. This fierce competition has resulted in three very diverse and competent cloud services. Small business owners are […]

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How to make the most of cloud computing

You only need look at the explosive growth of services like Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce for evidence of the business trend towards cloud computing. This raises a fundamental question: how can a business maximize the cloud’s benefits while minimizing or eliminating its drawbacks? Perhaps the biggest advantage the cloud gives an organization is tied […]

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Backup and DR: Keep your business safe

It’s essential to have the right IT backup and disaster recovery (DR) systems in place if you want to safeguard your company’s digital assets. From cyberattacks and malware to hardware failures and natural catastrophes, having the right plan in place is essential. It can test your system, prevent loss and recover vital data in the […]

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How to pick the right health software

With aging populations, advances in medical technology and the growing importance of ‘e-health’, software vendors are focusing more attention than ever on the health market. But with so many newcomers, how can you know you’re choosing the right software provider? Healthcare is a buoyant industry, with many opportunities for growth – and technology is a […]

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Hybrid comes to your EHR systems

There’s nothing simple about the IT needs of a modern medical practice. In a small to mid-size practice, the application infrastructure has to support everything from office productivity applications to advanced imaging, group scheduling, integration with external systems, and collaboration thrown in for good measure. If that weren’t enough, all of it has to be […]

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Personal apps: a new healthcare frontier

In the decades since hospitals and doctors’ offices became the traditional way to receive medical treatment, little has changed regarding the way personal health data is managed. Processes remain heavily paper-based, and data about a person’s health and wellbeing is often spread throughout different locations depending on where the consultation occurred. More recently, the arrival […]

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